A female Yorkie is missing in Bloomington, IL. Was last seen near Oakland/McLean, and goes by “Daisy”. Please contact the owners at (309)531-7678 with any information.
4/14/18 LOST: female rat terrier in Danvers, IL
A female rat terrier is missing in Danvers, IL. Name is “Lucy”. Please contact Lucas Salvator at 3092613094 with any information.
4/14/18 FOUND: spotted Great Dane in Bloomington, IL
A male, spotted Great Dane was found in Bloomington, IL. The dog was found in the pepper ridge subdivision, and is now being held at Mclean County Animal Control. Please call or visit during their normal business hours. McLean County Animal Control 309-888-5060 Monday ….. 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Tuesday ……9:00 a.m. to 6:30…
4/14/18 FOUND: white and brown pit pull in Normal, IL
A male pit bull was found in Normal, IL. The dog is mostly white with some brown spots. He was found near Vernon/Linden, and is now being held at MCAC. Please call or visit during their normal business hours for more information. McLean County Animal Control 309-888-5060 Monday ….. 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Tuesday…
4/14/18 LOST: grey, male cat in Bloomington, IL.
A grey, male cat is missing in Bloomington, IL. The cat goes by “KC” or “Kip the Cat” and is reported to be approximately 19 years old. Was last seen near the Towanda/Elmwood/Colton area. Please contact Katie Hudson Henderson with any information. https://www.facebook.com/katie.h.henderson.7?fref=gs&hc_ref=ARRN7FADD-iq0iVjQqwOylIiQs-u-myfVZmf0zM-JohHwhACFX4Hb3ejwyvPpXo_fws&dti=510764685722689&hc_location=group
4/14/18 FOUND: calico cat in Bloomington, IL
A calico colored cat was found on West Taylor street in Bloomington, IL. There is no picture available, however the cat is reported to have a “deformed” eat. The cat is being held at McLean County Animal Control. Please call or visit during their normal business hours for more information. McLean County Animal Control 309-888-5060…
4/14/18 FOUND: longhaired tabby cat in Heyworth, IL
A longhaired tabby cat was found in Heyworth, IL. The cat is reported to be female and already spayed. The finder is currently holding her. Please contact Sara Sunny Hylton with any information. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009327159740&fref=gs&hc_ref=ARRCUj2464t2yzPKGN9nXFvcBpj7viREp6p3AY12sQ27pJquGFVaAbFDAH__f9lkOHI&dti=510764685722689&hc_location=group
4/14/18 FOUND: male orange, tabby cat in Bloomington, IL
A male, orange tabby cat was found in Bloomington, IL. The cat was found in the Lara Trace subdivision. Please contact Noel Reidy with any information. https://www.facebook.com/noelc.reidy?fref=gs&hc_ref=ARSGkOHkONXffr91o21uHGAegWrm3Wj1ePFLKiDlgaTE_m45Vqf26GieUbiTyBiYngk&dti=510764685722689&hc_location=group
4/14/18 FOUND: male orange, tabby cat in Bloomington, IL
A male, orange tabby cat was found in Bloomington, IL. The cat was found in the Lara Trace subdivision. Please contact Noel Reidy with any information. https://www.facebook.com/noelc.reidy?fref=gs&hc_ref=ARSGkOHkONXffr91o21uHGAegWrm3Wj1ePFLKiDlgaTE_m45Vqf26GieUbiTyBiYngk&dti=510764685722689&hc_location=group
Lost Shepard mix
Last seen on E 1200 N rd Downs down from Benjamin school and Cornerstone Christian Academy. She is tall big dog shepard mix tan color and black on face. She is timid and shy.