I can’t keep hold him for very long as I have a house dog.
Lost 2 blonde terrier mixes
My 2 terrier mixes were lost in Peoria near the journal star building. We live in Bloomington. They have been sighted near I 74 east at the Murray Baker bridge. I think they are trying to get home. They weigh about 20lbs each, are blonde and are growing out their summer haircuts so they are…
White Male Cat Found
White male cat with blue eyes and beige ears, brown stripes on face and beige on back. Very friendly and seems young.
Lost akita-lab mix
akita-lab mix looks more like a sugar Akita friendly named havoc has choker chain around his neck.
akita-lab mix
akita-lab mix
Lost Calico Cat
Mostly white with one black ear and one brown ear. brown spot on her back at the base of her tail and a brown smudge by her mouth
Lost Black cat in Bloomington
His name is Bruce and he is a long haired black domestic cat. He is friendly but also nervous in unfamiliar situations (i.e. outside), so approach him slowly so that he does not run away.
Lost Orange Cat in Bloomington
Female orange cast with green eyes. Some white strikes throughout fur. Very friendly and also declawed.
Lost tom cat
Large male yellow and white cat. Got out a couple days ago and have not seen him since. Very friendly and will come if you are patient with him and definitely if you have food. Please help me find my lost boy : (,,
FOUND: Young, orange male cat at Chestnut/Lee in Bloomington
This little guy was hanging around my back door at the corner of Lee/Chestnut in Bloomington this morning. No collar, in-tact. Super friendly and loving!