REUNITED WITH OWNERS Yellow Lab found. Not fixed. No microchip. Wearing a collar. Please call to identify.
Lost blue-gray large cat in Normal
Buzz is an indoor medium haired blue-gray cat he is neutered and front paws are declawed he is 5-6 years old has a small white spot on his chest missing around north Meadow village and rabb road area may be a little further by now we have had him his whole life and just want…
Lost Border Collie Mix
FOUND AND REUNITED Sadie is a black and white border collie mix weighs 60lbs. Has been spotted in Eagle Crest, Eagle View, and Hawthorne 2 subdivisions. Also spotted in a field off of Addison Way near a farm house. Last seen on Gill St in Bloomington. Has not been seen since last night at 8:00pm.
LOST – Elderly tan small dog. Long hair
FOUND AND REUNITED LOST in west Bloomington, close to Market St. Long haired Chihuahua type dog. Golden hair. Very old.
Found in Normal. Scruffy tan and black dog
Found in Pleasant hills, male scruffy tan and black dog. Animal Control now has him.
Lost cat in Oakwoods subdivision/SW Bloomington
Black and white cat, approximately 10 pounds. His name is Duke and he is very friendly.
LOST senior Golden Retriever near Downs
FOUND AND IS HOME SAFE Lost golden retriever. 14 years old. Name is Jasper. Lost near downs
Lost Cat gray tiger striped female
Lost gray/some light brown tiger striped female short hair young adult cat in Bloomington near the Arbors
Found, small dog
Small dog, found on I74 out by Ironwood this morning
Lost Small White Dog
Small (10 pounds) white female dog. On her way to the Vet to be chipped and fixed when she was startled by a truck at Hucks Gas Station on Main and Hamilton and ran off toward the Timber Lake Neighborhood. She is very timid. Please don’t approach just send a PM or call 309-530-2119