Lost blue-gray large cat in Normal

Buzz is an indoor medium haired blue-gray cat he is neutered and front paws are declawed he is 5-6 years old has a small white spot on his chest missing around north Meadow village and rabb road area may be a little further by now we have had him his whole life and just want…

Lost Border Collie Mix

FOUND AND REUNITED Sadie is a black and white border collie mix weighs 60lbs. Has been spotted in Eagle Crest, Eagle View, and Hawthorne 2 subdivisions. Also spotted in a field off of Addison Way near a farm house. Last seen on Gill St in Bloomington. Has not been seen since last night at 8:00pm.

Lost Small White Dog

Small (10 pounds) white female dog. On her way to the Vet to be chipped and fixed when she was startled by a truck at Hucks Gas Station on Main and Hamilton and ran off toward the Timber Lake Neighborhood. She is very timid. Please don’t approach just send a PM or call 309-530-2119