- Name: Tammy Schaefer
- Location: Cooksville, IL
- Phone Number: 3095315269
- Lost or Found: FOUND A PET
- Lost or Found Date: 2016-02-09
- Email: tschaefer@ctechinternet.com
I’m in country – between Bloomington & Cooksville – just off LeRoy-Lexington – 1 mile East of Route 9. A young solid black (I believe a male but he was in constant motion, so I need to double check) very, very LOVING, friendly cat – clearly a pet (in-between kitten & adult). He showed up on my porch via cat door this a.m. He appears to be in good shape, just very skinny/hungry & lonely (very vocal about it). Will keep/keep safe, warm/fed . . . until we find owner or new home; may take to No Kill Shelter (if too disruptive w/ my other 2 cats, 3 dogs).