small dog found in crestwicke subdivision this morning, please contact person on FB or lost-found pets in Bloomington/normal FB page
Author: admin
Found Westie in Bloomington
Found a Westie in the Pepper Ridge subdivision.
Lost house cat
Orange tabby very friendly answers to the name Pumpkin. Lost in Eagle Crest east subdivision
Found medium tri-color mix in Bloomington
Dog found/caught by intersection of Six Points and West Oakland in southwest Bloomington. Female, very sweet but somewhat shy and scared, mixed breed. VERY underweight and nails had not been clipped in a LONG time. No chip or collar. MCAC has been notified. Furrever Family has her and will hold until 7 days is up….
Lost- male cat- white with brown patches
Male short hair white with brown patches lost in the Northpoint area.
FOUND – little white dog – Cocker Mix?
FOUND walking down the road.. Cocker mix?
lost Plott Hound, Evergreen Lake area
Brindle in color, big strong dog, very friendly
Lost house cat
White and beige large house cat. Very friendly goes by the name Benji
Lost orange cat/East Washington Subdivision
Small orange/white cat; has a chip implanted
Small orange short-haired cat lost/West Washington Subdivision
Small orange/white cat; no collar; has a chip