Lost white cat near fire station on college

He escaped late at night a couple days ago and haven’t seen him since. His name is frost but he is death. He is a large white maincoon mix and is very friendly towards other people. If anyone finds him please let me know at 309-824-6111

lost 14 year old dog near Bloomington High School

Ella went missing around 3:00 near the corner of E Monroe St and Colton Ave-just south of Bloomington High School. She is 14 yrs old and doesn’t get around well. She is wearing a Michigan State Spartan collar with a bow. I believe she has no tags on the collar.

Found Black Dog .. Bloomington

I have a dog my neighbor found on here porch to it is black and no tag. no tail. you can contact me at 309-200-3007 Was found in Oakland and Weldon

Lost Dog near Washington / Veterans

This is Malachi – lost off the intersection between Washington and Veteran’s Parkway. PLEASE Message me if you see him – his owners would be very happy. No questions asked!

Lost Dog near Washington / Veterans

This is Malachi – lost off the intersection between Washington and Veteran’s Parkway. PLEASE Message me if you see him – his owners would be very happy. No questions asked!