Lost Brindle Leonberger Mix in Bloomington

My brindle Leonberger (name is Bean) mix got out of the house yesterday afternoon. He’s about 65-70 pounds, has on a red Kong harness, and has a white patch on his chest. He’s very fast and weary of people approaching him. He was last spotted on Holiday Dr and posted on the LOST-FOUND PETS BLOOMINGTON…

Lost Female Yorkie/Bichon in Bloomington by Tipton Trails

Our 8 pound female yorkie/bichon mix disappeared the morning of Saturday, 7/9 in the Tipton Trails neighborhood. She is 8 years old, 8 pounds, cream/beige fluffy fur, floppy ears, and was wearing a 1″ wide pink collar with a conductor box for an underground fence (see photo). She answers to Kalli (pronounced Callie). We are…

Lost Yorkshire Terrier

ran away around 8:30 pm on 7/6 We live in the Sherwood lake subdivision on Janel dr. Can’t imagine he ran far. He is very small and very nice but probably quite scared. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Found Pitbull in Normal

At 4:30 in the morning on Friday July 1st I found a male pitbull wandering the streets. He is VERY friendly and well behaved but slightly underweight. He appears to be about 2 years old, and is white with brown spots. He has 1 eye that is half brown and blue. He did not have…

Lost Border/Beagle in Bloomington

Lost Black/White dog. Very friendly, scared. Her name is Callie, she is chipped, has a collar last I know anyway. Lost around Lafayette/Morrissey/McGregor, Lakeside CC.

Lost Beagle mix

Missing beagle mix, approx 21lbs.l and 6 years old. Tricolored skinnier/taller than normal beagle. Very friendly answers to Skeeter. He is our baby and we are very sad that he is missing! Trying to get the info out anywhere we can in hopes someone sees him!

Lost Black/White cat- near Sugar Creek Elementary

I am in search of our family Cat She likes to sit out side on our patio when she gets the chance. Last night she seamed to wonder off and has not been home. She is a indoor cat Her name is Boots and goes by bootsie. She slipped out of her coller So she…

Lost grey cat

This is Toggels he has been missing from our home on Robinhood ln for four days i am completely heart broken due to he has been apart of our family for 14 yrs if you see him plz contact me at 3092753835

Lost cat near Parkside.. Hovey… College area

My friend, Margarita Alvarez, needs your help. Her cat went missing and would really appreciate your help. West side of Normal, IL near Parkside and Hovey and College area. HIs name is Simba Kitty but goes by Kitty. He’s a house cat and should have his tags. Contact Margarita if you see him.