A large, grey, male cat with white paws and stomach is missing from Bloomington, IL. He was last seen in the Washington Country Club Area. Please contact Maddie Propersi with any information. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1721881942&fref=nf
Author: admin
Found: 1/19/2017 white cat in Bloomington, IL
A white cat with light orange stripes on it’s tale was found on West Jefferson st in Bloomington, IL. If you have any information regarding this cat, please contact Julie Schack Fink so she can direct you to the person who is currently holding the cat. https://www.facebook.com/julie.s.fink
Dog Found
Black and white dog found on W Washington St Bloomington IL. No chip or tags. Taken to McLean County Animal Control. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154117003365636&set=gm.972690839530069&type=3&theater
Found: Brown and white, darker muzzle in Bloomington IL
Photos of dog posted on Lost and Found Pets of McLean Co Facebook page. Found near Wright St in Bloomington. Brown and white, darker muzzle. Appears to be less than a year old. No chip.
Found: Male, black cat with green eyes, Normal, IL
Found, male black cat with green eyes. Found on the 300 black of S. linden street in Normal, IL. Please contact Amber Kiana Strange with any information. https://www.facebook.com/amber.shriver?fref=nf
Found: female, grey and black cat in Bloomington, IL
A black and grey, multi-colored, female cat was found in Bloomington, IL. She was found on Main Street near the McDonalds and Quick-N-Easy. Please contact Tina Williams with any information.
Lost: female, black and orange cat in Danvers
A female, black and orange cat is missing from the Danvers, IL area. Please contact Lisa Ward with any information. https://www.facebook.com/lisa.ward.750331
Found Chihuahua on West Market Bloomington
Found male Chihuahua running across West Market Street.
Found: yellow chow mix in Normal, IL
A female, yellow chow mix was found running in Normal, IL. She does not have a chip. Please contact Heidi Moss with any information. https://www.facebook.com/heidi.moss1
Lost: grey cat in Normal, IL
A grey multi-colored, female cat is missing from the Shelbourne St. in Normal IL. She has been missing for approximately 6 weeks. Please contact Mary J West with any information. https://www.facebook.com/majawe