4/12/17 LOST: male cane corso in Bloomington, IL

A male, cane corso is missing in Bloomington, IL. He was last seen near Danbury apartments. The owner is offering a reward if found. Please contact Kristin Thakkar‎ with any information. https://www.facebook.com/kristin.thakkar

4/12/17 FOUND: small, black dog in Bloomington, IL

A small, black, curly-haired dog was found in Gaelic place subdivisions in Bloomington, IL. Gender is not known. Please contact Noelle Burns‎ with any information. https://www.facebook.com/noelle.burns.14

4/9/17 LOST: female, tiger-striped cat in Bloomington, IL

A female, tiger-striped cat is missing in Bloomington, IL. Was last seen on Epsilon street. Goes by the name of “Mandy”. Please contact RoKay Wager with any information. https://www.facebook.com/rokay.wager?fref=nf

4/9/17 LOST: small, tan dog in Normal,IL

A small, tan, male dog is missing in Normal, IL. He goes by the name of “Puck” and was last seen on Franklin ave near Bromenn Hospital. Please contact Alana Guenin with any information. https://www.facebook.com/alana.guenin?fref=nf