4/16/17 LOST: female, brown, chihuahua mix in Carlock, IL

“Anyone in the Carlock rural area that sees this dog (meekah) please contact Austin 309-287-7151 or Alexandria Zade 309-706-0529. She ran off on a relative around noon today and we have searched a good couple country miles for her. She’s very skiddish around strangers so she might not come to you but if you can…

4/16/17 LOST: male, black, pit bull in Bloomington, IL

A male, black pit bull is missing from Bloomington, IL. Was outside in the backyard on a lead in the Schooners area, however when the owners went outside the dog was missing but the lead was still in the yard. Possible that the dog has been taken. Please contact Courtney Thornton with any information. https://www.facebook.com/courtneyg88?fref=nf

4/16/17 LOST: female striped cat in Normal, IL

A female, black and tan striped cat is missing in Normal, IL from the Jacobsen drive area. Goes by the name of CC, but may be wary of strangers. All four paws are declawed. Please contact Cindy Ayers Bandeko‎ with any information. https://www.facebook.com/cindy.bandeko

4/15/17 FOUND: male black lab in Lexington IL

A male black lab was found in Lexington, IL. The dog is not fixed and is wearing a shock collar. Please contact Steve Ross with any information. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1558844844&fref=nf

Lost White Calico in Bloomington

White Calico Cat about a year old. Was last seen near Mount Vernon Drive in Bloomington. I typed wrong phone number in first listing. My number is 309-287-6797. Her owner and litter mate hope she is found soon. Her name is Misty.

4/13/17 FOUND: yorkie in Normal, IL

A yorkie was found on Crooked Stick Lane in Normal, IL. The dog has since been taken to animal control. Please call or visit them during their normal business hours for more information. McLean County Animal Control 309-888-5060 Monday ….. 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Tuesday ……9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Wednesday… 9:00 a.m. to…

4/13/17 FOUND: female, older golden retriever in Leroy, IL

An older, female, golden retriever was found near the interstate in Leroy, IL. She is now being kept at a veterinarian’s office in town. Exact location is unknown. Please contact Amy Daugherty with any information. https://www.facebook.com/amy.daugherty.50?fref=nf