7/23/17 LOST: male, striped cat in Bloomington, IL

A young, male cat is missing from Bloomington, IL. Goes by Riley and is reported to be on the smaller side. Was last seen near Tracy/Donnelly drive. Please contact Paige Werner at (309) 307-7604 with any information.

7/23/17 LOST: female striped cat in Lexington, IL

A striped female cat is missing in Lexington, IL. Goes by “Samantha” was last seen wearing a collar. Please contact Shelby Gresham with any information. https://www.facebook.com/shelby.leake.5?hc_ref=ARQVCSqxjmfGaFa1GUXyLMq_bYmbLf92BUiWq-A-TTQholJJF83ouxX4L-ops3CJd78&fref=nf

7/23/17 FOUND: small grey cat in Bloomington, IL

A small grey cat was found in the Highland Hills apartment complex in Bloomington, IL. The cat is now being held at Mclean County Animal Control. Please call or visit during their normal business hours for more information. McLean County Animal Control 309-888-5060 Monday ….. 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Tuesday ……9:00 a.m. to 6:30…

7/23/17 FOUND: ball python in Normal, IL

A ball python snake was found on Jersey ave in Normal, IL. The snake is being help by an experienced snake owner. Please contact Jack Bausworth with any information. Proof of ownership will be required. https://www.facebook.com/jbausworth?hc_ref=ARSrtOUcAEkTCNlllC9UHoqcMadx0Sg8upro5pAzA1DUMW_JC3_s1gfxwYJatF8devk&fref=nf

Lost Brittney Spaniel Puppy – Brown & White

Two puppies ran away, a female red and white Brittney and a brown and white male Brittney. The female has been found, still searching for the male. The female was found between 400N and 300N.

07/17/17Red Heeler Male Missing from Rt 9 West of Danvers IL 61732

Posted by Alice Musselman on the Facebook ‎LOST-FOUND PETS in Bloomington/Normal/McLean Co page. DOG ON LEFT IN THE PHOTO. Red heeler disappeared from farm off Route 9 west of Danvers between 8 pm Saturday and 7 am Sunday. 8 years old. Name is Rusty. Super friendly! 309-275-5008. He’s the one in the left.