9/12/17 FOUND: black and white cat in Normal, IL

A black and white cat was found in Normal, IL. Was found on Vernon and School st. Please contact Jesika Wendy with any information. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=742606374&fref=gs&hc_ref=ARTRehThsx5kOth6HGHUjoOnarA2qyOVk7Rnz2AxM9QjFyy2LV1BBc0Jb9V1VYdLqHM&dti=510764685722689&hc_location=group

9/12/17 LOST: female calico cat in Bloomington, IL

A female calico cat is missing in Bloomington, IL. Was last seen on West Graham behind O’Neil park. Please contact Mallory Hudson with any information. https://www.facebook.com/mallory.hudson.7921?fref=gs&hc_ref=ARS87SK0EYhktfPuTEySJEW_-VZ-UuuboLRb5zphdICNXFDctn0pl3l7V7h_LLd8guU&dti=510764685722689&hc_location=group

9/5/17 LOST: orange and red female snake in Bloomington, IL

A female, orange and red snake is missing in Bloomington, IL. Goes by “Klo” and is reported to be harmless. Was last seen on the 500 block of East Monroe St. Please contact Ericka Arreola with any information. https://www.facebook.com/ericka.arreola?fref=gs&hc_ref=ARTgwhuvV1bzwKxFUPOro8d5q6rLoO1aohYLwJv5GH9kH7GMsEn42ICs92qOwr-HhUY&dti=510764685722689&hc_location=group

9/5/17 LOST: female, brown and orange kitten in Bloomington, IL

A female, brown and orange kitten is missing in Bloomington, IL. She was last seen in the Cardinal Ridge mobile home park. Please contact Sarah Denton‎ with any information. https://www.facebook.com/sarah.denton.161446?fref=gs&dti=510764685722689&hc_location=group_dialog

8/29/27 LOST: male, orange cat in Stanford, IL

An orange, male cat is missing in Stanford, IL. Goes by “Benny”. Please contact Carly Scott with any information. https://www.facebook.com/CarlySScott15?fref=gs&hc_ref=ARRBYJvgup1WlRfCujqpJDBQOEhRvx2HtCRty1pLU8mAr73RBpImufvZ33Ln2pMV4r0&hc_location=group

8/29/17 LOST: 2 cats in Bloomington, IL

Two cats are missing from Bloomington, IL. They were last seen in Arlene courts off Lincoln st. They are new to the apartment complex area and may be shy or timid. Please contact Jennifer Arbuckle with any information. https://www.facebook.com/jena5112?fref=gs&hc_ref=ARQqaHns21pJ4cXLWbhQEGWVIO25hbzZjOphXe0t00_aHtdfXzBXZUecWry_eObRnUk&hc_location=group

8/29/17 LOST: female, black and white cat in Hudson, IL

A female, black and white cat is missing in Hudson, IL. Was last seen on North East st. Goes by “Mrs. McGonogall”. Please contact ‎Suzanne Drucker‎ with any information. https://www.facebook.com/runnergirl1108