A male, tan dog is missing in Bloomington, IL. Was last seen in the Eagle Creek Subdivision. Is reported to be older, and almost completely blind and deaf. He also has “doggy Alzheimer’s” so he may be confused easily. Please contact Sean Rutledge at 309-212-6439 with any information.
Day: July 1, 2017
7/1/17 LOST: male golden retriever in North Normal, IL
A male golden retriever is missing from rural North Normal, near Hudson, IL. Please contact Michele Park with any information. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100013411907536&fref=nf
7/1/17 FOUND: grey and black cat in Atlanta, IL
A grey and black cat was found in Atlanta, IL. Does not have a chip. It was reported to be wearing a pink collar when found. The cat had been seen in the area for a few weeks now. Please contact Julie Stephens-Lilley with any information. https://www.facebook.com/julie.stephenslilley?fref=nf
7/1/17 LOST: male, black and white cat in Bloomington, IL
A male, black and white cat is missing in Bloomington, IL. Goes by “Buddy” and was last seen near Allin and Macarthur st. He is reported to be very friendly and will go up to strangers. Please contact Michelle Potts with any information. https://www.facebook.com/michellepotts74?fref=nf
7/1/17 LOST: brown and black cat in Bloomington, IL
A brown and black cat is missing in Bloomington, IL. Goes by “May” and was last seen in Danbury Court apartment complex. Is reported to be friendly but could be skittish around strangers. Please contact Kelsey Varciag with any information. https://www.facebook.com/kelsey.varciag?fref=nf