Found Long hair female dachhound

Just posted about found long hair female Dachhound on corner of Raab Road and Main in Normal, by Walgreens. Did not know how to ‘edit’ but wanted to let you know owner has called and is being reconnected with her beloved sweet dog… I am so thankful.

Found long hair dachshund

Adorable Long haired dachshund female dog. White with tan spots. Very sweet. Found around 5:15 pm on Thursday, October 15, 2015. Found in the Walgreens area on Raab Road and Main Street in Normal, IL Dog was running down busy street so brought her home. Will be taking her to the Humane Society of Central…

Lost Boxer

Male, fawn colored boxer. Very friendly. His tongue hangs out of the side of his mouth. His name is Jax. He got out of his backyard sometime before 7 pm on Oct 14th. He had recently broken his name tag off his collar. Please help Jax get home!

Lost Cat

Female black and white adult cat. She has a bob tail. Last seen at 607 Northbrook Dr in Minier. If you see her call. Check your garages and outbuildings please.

Found Black Pit (mix?)

Found this morning Brigham School, Prairie Vista golf course area, she has no collar. Has not been microchipped. Please help me find her home. She’s super sweet! Message me for more information.

Found Black Pit (mix?)

Found this morning Brigham School, Prairie Vista golf course area, she has no collar. Has not been microchipped. Please help me find her home. She’s super sweet! Message me for more information.

Found Chihuahua Dachound mix?

Found this girl 7 miles east of Bloomington. Been hanging around our main farm for a couple of days. I now have her with me, she’s fed, watered and in a safe place. I’d say a Chihuahua/Dachshund mix.