Missing small yorkshire terrier, 10lb, mostly black named Sammy. He’s very friendly. He is wearing a green collar, no tag, that reads Stud Muffin. Missing from Rainbow Avenue around noon. Please Share! 708-642-5718
Month: September 2015
Lost yorkshire terrier
Missing small yorkshire terrier, 10lb, mostly black named Sammy. He’s very friendly. He is wearing a green collar, no tag, that reads Stud Muffin. Missing from Rainbow Avenue around noon. Please Share! 708-642-5718
Black and White Kitten
4 month old male Black and White kitten. Name is Batman. He is micro chipped. Lost in the Mayflower – Mercer Ave area.
Lost – Dog North Meadow Village Normal
To anyone in North Meadows. My dog Bentley just got off his chain. If you could please be on the lookout for him. My number is (309) 825-9379
Lost – Cat North Hudson IL
Please help me! This little guy has been missing since Wednesday morning. Last seen in the north end of Hudson. He responds to Ollie, is pretty talkative, and warms up quick to strangers. He’s chipped as well. Please keep an eye out for him, I just want my lil’ bit home safe. frown emoticon you’re…
Lost – Black Cat near Locust and Lee in Bloomington
Cross streets are Locust and Lee in Bloomington. My roommate and I’s cat has been outside for roughly a week now – already checked animal control – but if anyone happens to see him, please let me know! He’s a solid black cat, except for a couple small white patches – back toes, chest, lower…
Found: white w/ black spots & black tail, Fox Creek
Found: white w/ black spots and a black tail. Neighbors say male about 4 months old. male. Found near Keiser’s Bridge out by Fox Creek School. Very loving.
Found yellow male kitten in normal
About 2 month old yellow male kitten, very friendly, not shy of anything (dogs, cats or car rides) . Found in my garage on Lincoln St. In Normal along side trail.
Found yellow male kitten in normal
About 2 month old yellow male kitten, very friendly, not shy of anything (dogs, cats or car rides) . Found in my garage on Lincoln St. In Normal along side trail.
Found yellow male kitten in normal
About 2 month old yellow male kitten, very friendly, not shy of anything (dogs, cats or car rides) . Found in my garage on Lincoln St. In Normal along side trail.