If anyone is missing a black lab, one was located on rt.51 running between 200 and 300 north. It was wearing a dark colored collar. Last seen running into the corn field on the east side of the north bound lane at about 745a this morning. Thank you. Also contact on facebook:https://www.facebook.com/heyworthpd?fref=nf
Month: July 2015
Lost – German Shepherd Rural Ellsworth
Missing / Stolen – German Shepherd. Around 8 pm our family pet went missing. We are located in rural Ellsworth. He has never strayed from the yard before (which is why I believe someone may have taken him). His name is Lazarus. He has tags on him and he is microchipped. He is a special…
Found – Cat West MacArthur Bloomington
This kitty wondered in to our yard. 509 w MacArthur. He/she is really scared, probably from the fireworks. They look well enough to be someone’s pet, and are not running away from me quite yet.
Found – Black and White Cat with a pink collar and rabies tag
Fouond on the far west side of Bloomington in the country by the Deer Ridge subdivision
Lost:Small Dog Bloomington
Puppy ran off this morning morning on the west side in the west olive and western St intersection area. Please contact me if found. Her name is tink and she. An be skittish but is extremely nice and will not bite.
Found: Cat on Anchor Drive in Bloomington
Copied from Facebook: Found on Anchor Drive in Bloomington. Looks scared and is skinny. Kind of skittish. Look familiar to anyone? Update 7/13/2015- Cat taken to MCAC.
Golden oldie WINSTON was FOUND!
Happy ending! Thank you for sharing & caring!
Found – Oakland and Mercer – Rat Terrier looking dog
FOUND – Rat Terrier looking dog. Oakland and Mercer area. Took to ER, found no chip. Please contact on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10203860053935798&set=gm.686487591483730&type=1&theater
Lost older Golden Retriever Leroy / Heyworth area
Winston is a 10 year golden retriever. Missing since Monday from the Phillips rural home where he was staying while his family was visiting in North Carolina. Family is very concerned! If found or seen please call: Missing from Phillips home at 1378 N. 2700 E. Road Leroy / Heyworth area Ray Sanders 309-262-2851…
Lost older Golden Retriever Leroy / Heyworth area
Winston is a 10 year golden retriever. Missing since Monday from the Phillips rural home where he was staying while his family was visiting in North Carolina. Family is very concerned! If found or seen please call: Missing from Phillips home at 1378 N. 2700 E. Road Leroy / Heyworth area Ray Sanders 309-262-2851…