Lost – Fuzzy White Bunny

I know this is a long shot but I’m going to try anyway. My daughter’s pet bunny escaped from our backyard tonight. We spotted her, tried to catch her, then she ran through our hedges into a neighbors yard and we lost sight of her before we could catch up with her. We searched the…

Lost – Black and White Cat Saybrook

Please keep an eye out for Charlie around the saybrook area she was let out this morning and hasn’t come home since she has tags on her that has my sisters number on it!

Lost – Cat East of Bloomington Near Ireland Grove Rd.

Hello – Lucy seems to have gotten out of the house. She is a shy Russian Blue. She IS micro chipped to CISAR as that is where we adopted her from. No collar and no tags, she is front declawed so she is not allowed out. She snuck out while unloading groceries. Please keep an…